Alpine Team Uniforms
Alpine uniform is any black pants and our club jacket. Any athlete 10 years old and older is required to be in alpine uniform.
(U14 and older side zip pants are recommended)
The jacket order will be placed on Monday October 2nd. Our jackets come from Europe and take time to get to us. Only 1 order will be placed so please reply with your order.
Attached is the size chart. Please measure your child and email me your jacket size needed. Deadline to reply is September 29th to leannemackie3@gmail.com
Cost of new jacket is $250 to club members but cost $400 (balance is subsidised by club).
Any member selling a used jacket please email me by Sept 29th the jacket size and price you want. I will try and match you up with a buyer.
Club pants are available to purchase at full cost plus GST. If you wish to order please email your size.
Youth (size 170 and smaller) $280
Adult (size XXS and bigger) $315
Thank you,
Leanne Mackie